1. Date and time of the event – 29 April, 17:00 (= 5pm)
2. Venue: Full address, hints on how to go there – street in front of the house of each dancer
3. Title of event – “We love to dance, we set an example”
4. Organizer – Danza Mundial e.V.
5. Participants – all dancers from everywhere in the world
6. Description-Program – each dancer performs the dance “Rhythm in my feet” in front of his house.
7. Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address – Telephone: 0049-89-348787, E-mail: (this is my private E-mail for the moment), website: , postal address: Danza Mundial e.V., Menzelstr. 2, 81679 Munich, Germany
Province / District

We have started a new project for dancers and dance students from all over the world, and it would be great if all the dancers that you know and have contact with could also participate. We simply want to set an example that even now dance gives joy, and that all dancers worldwide are a big family in dance.
Best wishes,
Danza Mundial e.V.
The Dance Ensemble oft the Staatstheater Kassel will have their premiere of „i spada lekko ciało moje | my body falls lighter | mein körper schwerelos (UA)“ in honor of the International Dance Day on Friday, the 29th of April 2022. We would love to be featured on your website with this event.
These are all the important informations:
- Friday, 29th of April 2022 at 7:30 pm
- Staatstheater Kassel – Opernhaus, Friedrichsplatz 15, 34117 Kassel, Hesse, Germany
- „i spada lekko ciało moje | my body falls lighter | mein körper schwerelos (UA)“
- Organized by „TANZ_Kassel“, the Dance Ensemble of Staatstheater Kassel
- Choreographer Maciej Kuźmiński „TANZ_Kassel“, Music by Lepo Sumera, John Adams and Staatsorchester Kassel managed by Mario Hartmuth, costumes and stage by Markus Meyer, light by Stefanie Dühr, dramaturgy by Silke Meier-Brösicke
- Einer, der besessen ist von der Frage nach Identität. Der wissen will, wie Identität funktioniert und ob sie überhaupt existiert. Es liegt vielleicht an seinem Heimatland Polen, das sich immer schon zwischen Ost und West, Demokratie und Sozialismus befand, dass sich durch die Werke von Maciej Kuźmiński, Gründer des Polish Dance Network und Leiter der Maciej Kuźmiński Company, diese Frage wie ein Leitmotiv zieht. Zuletzt choreografierte er für das Polish Dance Theater, das Scapino Ballet, die Eva Duda Company in Budapest und die Šeiko Dance Company Klaipeda.
Zusammen mit dem Staatsorchester Kassel beschäftigt er sich in seiner Kreation mit der existentiellen Menschheitsfrage: Wer sind wir? Woher kommen und wohin gehen wir? Choreografie als Philosophie mit dem biografischen Gedächtnis des Körpers, bildgewaltig und poetisch in Szene gesetzt.
On the International Dance Day 2022, TANZ_Kassel presents the premiere of „i spada lekko ciało moje | my body falls lighter | mein körper schwerelos (UA)“, by the Polish choreographer and founder of the Polish Dance Network Maciej Kuźmiński. It’s a production that asks a lot of questions about identity, how it works and if it even exists. Together with the Staatsorchester Kassel, Kuźmiński tries to take a look at the most profound and existentiell human questions: Who are we? And where are we going?
- Friedrichsplatz 15 / 34117 Kassel, Telefon +49.561.1094-198 //+49.561.1094-111, /,
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you should have any further questions.
Thank you and with kind regards,
Elisabeth Bergmann
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Friedrichsplatz 15 / 34117 Kassel
Telefon +49.561.1094-0 //
Telefax +49.561.1094-5111
Dimension streaming by Dance Theater Heidelberg
Germany, Baden-Württemberg
Date and time of the event
29.04.2020 18h (CET) for 24hours
Venue: Full address, hints on how to go there
Online, at the homepage of our theatre
Title of event
Dance Theatre Heidelberg presents the full piece »Dimension« online
Theater und Orchester Heidelberg
Choreography and Direction by Iván Pérez
Music Dirk P. Haubrich
Stage and light installation Yoko Seyama
Costumes Carlijn Petermeijer
Light Ralph Schanz
Choreographic assistant to Leonardo Rodrigues
Dramaturgy Jenny Mahla
Dramatic assistant to Sara Dirks
Production manager Svea Herrmann
Dance pedagogy Gaëlle Morello
Dancers: Inés Belda Nácher | Alessandro Galati | Marc Galvez | Samuel Gilovitz | Yi-Wei Lo | Orla McCarthy | Andrea Muelas Blanco | Leon Poulton | Kuan-Ying Su | Jacqueline Trapp | Arno Brys
On the International Dance Day 2020 the full performance of »Dimension« with Dance Theatre Heidelberg will be online available from 6pm onwards here:
»Dimension« is the second part of a trilogy of works that explores the millennial generation and its psyche through dance, music and visual art by artistic director Iván Pérez.
Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address
Dance Theatre Heidelberg
Artistic Director Iván Pérez +49 15737531772
Management Eva Bergdolt +49 6221 5835445
Dance Theatre Heidelberg
Theaterstraße 10
69117 Heidelberg, Germany