1. Date and time of the event : 20 horas
2. Venue: De Ree Núcleo Investigación
Investigación- Creación- Formación/Colaboración Coreográfica, Artes, Interdiciplinaria.
Dirección completa, pistas sobre cómo ir allí :
3. Title of event:”Iñ che kai che” here I am the woman and the man who still lies in me.
4. Organizer: Nucleus De Ree research-creation
5. Participants: Marisol Vargas , Bernardo Oyarzun,Dominique Goujon, Tomas Thayer Morel, Alys Longley,Francisca Espinoza,Macarena Campbell,Angel Garcia, Mapuche Ritual: Elisa Loncon, Machi Jorge Jorge Quilaqueo
4. Organizer: Nucleus De Ree research-creation
5. Participants: Marisol Vargas , Bernardo Oyarzun,Dominique Goujon, Tomas Thayer Morel, Alys Longley,Francisca Espinoza,Macarena Campbell,Angel Garcia, Mapuche Ritual: Elisa Loncon, Machi Jorge Jorge Quilaqueo
6. Description-Program : The Marisol Vargas project “new video dance and art performance” is dedicated to the work of interpreting a layer of political thought that is transformed into a dance performance that mutates into a Mapuche art installation and ritual; and then it will return more or less to its initial state considering the mutation in a rite of the body in space, the origin of sound, of words, of onomatopoeia, materials and aesthetics, finally what lies, what is in the primal. It consists of building the phrase Iñ che kai che (in Mapuzungun) with stones of various sizes speaking of an aboriginal and epistemological language which can be modified with the choreography in the performance and then return to its state of linguistic content. The project is carried out in the genre of performance workspace at the specific site.
7. Contact details:
7. Contact details:
Teléfono : +56962015323.
página web :
dirección postal: Las luciernagas 5617 H, La reina , Santiago, Chile.
1. Date and time of the event: April, 26. 2025
2. Full address: 5 Norte Street. #132. Viña del Mar, Chile.
3. Title of event: Arabian Night Bel’Gharam / Noche Árabe Bel’Gharam
4. Organizer: Aziza Bellydancer
5. Contact details:
– Telephone +56935457937
– email:
– website: <>
– instagram: <http://>